Tray Dryer

Uniform Mixing Process Technique for Dry & Wet Granulation.
Surface Finish: External:Buffed to 150 grit matt finish, INTERNAL: Buffed to 220 grit mirror finish. Hallmark Engineers among the most trusted firms, engaged in manufacturing, supplying and exporting Tray Dryer Manufacturers in India
Inlet & Outlet : All dryers have a 5 micron prefilter at the inlet and a manually infinite adjustable damper at the outlet.
Door : Door is provided at the front and / or rear side of the tray dryer. Door lips are lined with silicon rubber gasket to prevent any leakages. Suitable locking is provided for the doors.
Air Circulation : Air circulation is done by specially designed recirculation blowers inside the tray dryer. The blower capacity , static & design depends on the size and model of dryer.
Heating : Dryers are normally supplied with either steam/ electric/ thermic fluid / hot water heating system. Suitable heating coils / caloriefiers are provided in the dryers.
Temprature Control : Temp control system is done by electronic digital temp controller fitted in the control panel. The temp control in the dryer is fully automatic.
Trays : Trays are available in S.S. 304/ 316 q. All trays are fully die pressed and with cooved corners. Trays are buffed to mirror finish. Trays are also available in aluminium / Polypropelene / Frp/ M.S. galvanized as per clients reqiuirements.
Trolley : Trolley is provided in the dryers to accommodate trays in it. Trolley truck are used to load and unload the trays into the dryer.
Control Panel : Automatic Control panel is fitted on the side of the dryer. If consists of starters, contactors, safety relays, ckt breakers, indicating lamps, push buttons , timers, controllers etc.