Rapid Mixer Granulator

Dome Shaped bowl which helps the products in to whirling motion with the help of impeller for the better mixing. Hallmark Engineers among the most trusted firms, engaged in manufacturing, supplying and exporting RAPID MIXER GRANULATOR Manufacturers in India. Inclination of the impeller gives the rising and tumbling motion of the product in the bowl due to the impeller blades of two full and two half solid blades.
Specially designed chopper blade with high speed and uniform granulation through out the product inside the bowl.
For the easy discharge of the product auto discharge with pneumatic system is provided which can be directly discharge in to the FBD bowl. Hallmark Engineers are the RAPID MIXER GRANULATOR Manufacturers in India.
Unit is designed to meet the requirement of cGMP System
Precision engineering to minimize clearance between bowl and the impeller
Safety measures has be taken care for easy operation
Discharge can be give any side to suit the requirements
Machine can be supplied with FLP on request
Material handling device can be provide for loading of the material.
CIP system can be provided