Limpet Coil Reactor

Hallmark Engineers among the most trusted firms, engaged in manufacturing, supplying and exporting Limpet Coil Reactor Manufacturers in India . Limpet coil reactor vessels are used to control the temperature of the reactants with the help of heating or cooling media circulated through coils surrounding the main vessel. Ideally suitable for medium heat transfer requirement and heating application where heating media temperature is above 150 Centigrade (302 Fahrenheit). Limpet coil reactor Manufacturers in India. Coils are half piped welded on the outer side of the main vessel.
Limpet Coil Reactor can be used for heating or cooling of the reactants
Suitable for high temperature ( Above 150 C) Thermic fluid oil like such as Therminol™, and Dowtherm
Achieve heating and cooling in one reactor with Double coil design